Graduate Center for the Study of Early Learning

The University of Mississippi School of Education

Your Vote Matters!

Posted on: September 24th, 2019 by Cathy Grace

September 24thof each year has been declared National Voter Registration Day. By clicking on the Voter Registration Day website or the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Y’all Vote website you can print a form to mail in or take to your local Circuit Clerk’s Office to be eligible to vote on November 5th.  If you moved since you last voted, you will have to make the change at your local Circuit Clerk’s Office and provide proof of residence.

Many feel their vote doesn’t matter or nothing really ever changes, so why vote? Everyone has an opinion as to how government should work or if it works at all. But, unless you are willing to spend 5 minutes or so in the voting booth, you really can’t complain about the results after the election is over.  

Regardless of your political affiliation, as an American and as a Mississippian 18 years or older on November 5th, your voice will be heard through your vote. This election cycle is an important one in Mississippi because all state-wide offices are being contested. Voting for state-wide officials is important in determining how the overall government functions in the state, what programs are priorities, and how your taxpayer dollars will be spent. Voting for House and Senate members allows for a more direct contact with lawmakers as they will be the eyes, ears and voices of their constitutes when state government decisions are made. City and county elections are even closer to home since local law enforcement officials, judges, members of boards of supervisors and other local government officials will be up for election or re-election.

Important items that will be taken up by newly elected leaders are far reaching and impact all Mississippians. These are just a few:

  • State funding for public schools
  • Teacher pay raises to bring MS teachers’ salaries off the bottom and up to the 2019 Southeastern average
  • Funding for colleges and universities (so tuition can stop going up)
  • Increase funding of collaborative pre-kindergarten programs 
  • Funding for roads and bridges
  • Health care revisions to keep rural hospitals open
  • Improving our mental health system which is currently under federal control
  • Stop allowing large out-of-state corporations to avoid paying state taxes
  • Increase transparency in state government so taxpayers know where your money is going.

As previously stated, all or most of these issues affect you, your family and/or you someone you know. This is the time to vote your conscience, but first you have to register! October 7this the state deadline to register for voting in the November 5thelection and absentee voting has already begun with the in-person deadline at noon, Saturday, November 2nd.

October 7th is a few days away! Do not put it off, time is ticking.

by Dr. Cathy Grace